Sunday, August 13, 2006

double love

At Chinese weddings the symbol for happiness is repeated so it means double happiness.

And that is how I feel about my bike. After I got it, I loved it. I’ve never had any sport-like activity I’ve enjoyed more. Disregarding my work, I’ve biked almost every day, sometimes getting up at 7 AM (which for a freelancer is unheard of).

So what could make me love it more? How about if my adored husband biked with me? Why, what a wonderful idea! I think I’ll buy him a bike and double my happiness…


alvinaling said...

Oooh, the silver bike is bee-yoo-ti-ful! (whenever I write that, I think of Flossie from the Bobbsey Twins)

R said...

You go girl!
Is that silver bike Rob's bike-to-be??

R said...

never mind, just got it! that *is* Rob's new bike ;P (duh-I'm slow today) Double you-go-girl! What are you going to put on his helmet? :)