Sunday, December 10, 2006

broken toe life

I guess my toe is not broken, because I have been able to walk on it with only mild discomfort. It does, however, remain purple--now with twinges of yellow.

But I can't let a toe slow me down. Since last post, I've had my art exhibit and talk at the Groton Public Library:

Baked my Christmas Cupcakes:

(Though, I think I'm going to turn a new leaf in baking when the clock turns 2007. I don't want cupcakes to get too old. Maybe I'll move on to cream puffs.)

Saw some good friends:

And all the other stuff, too--writing, painting, school visits, the RISD sale, etc., etc. So, I've been doing all the same lovely things that add up to my life-- just a tiny bit more painfully and with orthopedic shoes.

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